Home » General Liability Insurance in Cuyahoga Falls, OH

General Liability Insurance in Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Many businesses are at risk of substantial financial loss every day due to unexpected circumstances. Located in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Garlesky Insurance Agency is dedicated to helping you find and secure the coverage you need to mitigate financial burdens.

What Is General Liability Insurance?

General liability insurance is a contractual policy that offers financial protection against claims of bodily injury, property damage and personal or advertising injury made against your business. This coverage makes a significant positive difference by financially safeguarding your business from potentially devastating financial losses. Without such coverage, your operations and future success may be jeopardized by even a single third-party claim.

What Does General Liability Insurance Cover?

General liability insurance typically includes several essential coverage options, each designed to protect your business from various risks. The key coverage areas include the following:

  • Bodily injury coverage—This coverage may help pay for medical expenses, legal fees and compensation if someone is injured on your business premises or due to your business operations.
  • Property damage coverage—This may provide payment for damages that you or your employees cause to someone else’s property.
  • Personal and advertising injury coverage—This coverage may protect your business against claims related to defamation, slander, copyright infringement and other advertising-related issues.
  • Medical payments coverage—This option may cover minor medical costs for injuries that occur on your business premises, regardless of who is at fault.
  • Legal defense costs coverage—This coverage may offer payment for legal fees and court costs associated with defending your business in a lawsuit.

Learn More

Contact Garlesky Insurance Agency today to explore your coverage options and get a personalized quote. Our team of experts in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, is here to guide you through the process.

Securities offered through Lincoln Douglas Investments, LLC., Member FINRA/SIPC.

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